Sponsored Research

Faculty members are actively engaged in cutting edge research in frontier areas of computer science. Some of the research projects are funded by leading organizations such as MEITY, DST and NBHM.

On Spanning Trees - Generalizations and Variants (Theory and Algorithms)

Principal Investigator: Dr. N Sadagopan
Sponsor: DST-SERB
Duration: Three years (2018-2021)
Value: 16 Lakhs

Vertex Separators and its Variants: Structural and Algorithmic Study

Principal Investigator: Dr. N Sadagopan
Sponsor: National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM), DAE, GOI
Duration: 3 years (2018-2021)
Value: Rs 16.23 Lakhs

Projects under Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and IT

Principal Investigator: Dr. M Sreekumar and Dr. Noor Mohammad
Sponsor: Ministry of Electronics and IT, Govt. of India
Duration: 5 Years- Starting from AY 2015-16
Value: 101.874 Lakhs

Special Manpower Development Program for Chips to System Design

Principal Investigator: PI: Dr. Noor Mohammad; Co-PI: Dr. Binsu J Kailath
Sponsor: MEITY, Govt. of India
Duration: 3 years
Value: 92.4 Lakh

Information Security Education Awareness Programme

Principal Investigator: Prof. Kamakoti IIT Madras Co-PI : Prof. Banshidhar Majhi, Dr. V Masilamani, Dr. Noor Mohammad, Dr. B Sivaselvan, Dr. N Sadagopan
Sponsor: MEITY
Year: 2018
Value: 3.17 Lakhs