
Dr. Amalan Joseph Antony A

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:
Cryptography, Data Structures and Algorithms, Theory of Computation


Dr. Bhukya Krishna Priya

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:
Computer Architecture, Memory Technologies, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Vehicular Networks.


Dr. Jagadeesh Kakarla

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:
Wireless Sensor Networks, Adhoc Networks, Internet of Things, Medical Image processing


Dr. Jaishree Mayank

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:
Scheduling Strategies in Real-time/ Cyber Physical Systems, AI Algorithms for Smart Grids and Electric Vehicle Problems/Drones Problems


Dr. Kannadasan K

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:
Brain-Computer Interface, EEG Signal Processing, Affective Computing, Machine Learning


Dr. Krishnakumar Gnanambikai

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:
Micro-architecture Security, Web Security, Network Security, Applications of AI in security


Prof. Masilamani V



Research Interests:
Image Processing & Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Algorithms & Data Structure, Theory of Computing


Dr. Noor Mahammad S K

Associate Professor


Research Interests:
Software for VLSI Design, Evolvable Hardware, Reconfigurable Computing, Network System Design, Software Defined Radio, High Performance VLSI Architectures for Digital Signal Processing, Packet Processing Architectures and Algorithms, Computer Architecture


Dr. Pandiri Venkatesh

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:
Combinatorial Optimization, Reinforcement learning for optimization, Soft computing, Heuristics, Metaheuristics, Swarm Intelligence, Multi-objective Optimization


Dr. Preeth R

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:
IoT and Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Computer Networks, Data Science


Dr. Rahul Raman

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:
Computer Vision, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Biometrics, Visual Surveillance, Aesthetics


Dr. Sadagopan N

Associate Professor


Research Interests:
Graph theory & Combinatorics, Data Structures & Algorithms, Computer Networks, Database Systems, Graph Library Generation Package


Dr. Sanjeet Kumar Nayak

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:
IoT and Cloud Computing, Applied Cryptography, Fog and Edge Computing, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Blockchain Technology


Dr. Santhanam Raghavan

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:
Cloud Computing, Membrane Computing, Machine Learning


Prof. Sivaselvan B

Professor and HOD


Research Interests:
Knowledge & Data Engineering, Data Analytics, Human Computer Interaction, Evolutionary Computation Strategies


Dr. Vijayakumar S

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:


Dr. Umarani Jayaraman

Assistant Professor


Research Interests:
Biometrics, Pattern Recognition,Deep Learning, Digital Image Processing, Human Computer Interaction
