In line with the vision of this institute, the department has strong association with industry focusing on design and manufacturing of software/hardware products. Many of our students take up industry projects as part of their major project. A few of the projects are:
Machine Learning Algorithms for Security Applications & Image Processing
Principal Investigator: Dr. V Masilamani
Sponsor: Forensics Intelligence Surveillance and Security Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
Duration: Two Years
Value: 6 Lakhs
People Counter for Bus
Principal Investigator: PI: Dr. V Masilamani Co-PI: Prof. Banshidhar Majhi
Sponsor: Vamo Systems Private Ltd. Chennai
Duration: 1 year
Value: 2 Lakhs
'MediVo' - An online portal for e-consultation customized to dentists
Student Members: S Lokesh Kumar, R Neeraj, Shubham Kumar Gandhi, Adarsh Srivatasava. (B.Tech COE - Class of 2013-17)
Faculty Adviser: Dr. N Sadagopan
Status: User Interface (UI) design meeting the specifications given by the doctors was developed. The product is handed over to an independent consultant ( to enhance the product further.
Object Reconstruction from a stream of projections of CT scan images
Student Member: M Aishwarya, B.Tech 2014-18.
Faculty Adviser: Dr. N Sadagopan
Name of the Company: LUCID Technologies Ltd, Chennai.
Open Source Web Server Design to mimic AKAMAI features
Student member: P Lalitha, , B.Tech 2014-18.
Faculty Adviser: Dr. N Sadagopan
Name of the Company: Start Smart Labs, Chennai.